- 15 July 2003: Diploma at the Classical School “B. Telesio” of Cosenza (CS).
- 2003-2005: studied Law and Economy at the University of Cosenza UNICAL
- 24 June 2015: Licentiate in Utroque Iure (Canon and Civil Law) at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
- Completed the Studium of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints; Postulator since 2018
- 22 June 2023: Doctorate in Utroque Iure (Canon and Civil Law) at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
- Perpetually professed since 21 March 2012
- Co-foundress of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary
- Servant General of the Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary
- Co-foundress of the Marian Groups of Prayer ADP-VV
- Co-foundress and vice-spiritual-assistant of the Lay Missionaries adp-vv-fpd
- Member of the pfsgm Board of Directors
- Promoter and sister responsible for female vocations in Italy
- Responsable for the juridical documents of the pfsgm community
- Coordinates the formation of the female branch of the community in Italy, Mexico, the USA, and Brazil
- Designer of the official pfsgm website (together with Friar Piccignito, on the basis of the project of Friar Volantino); responsible for (and technician for) said website in Italian
Sr. Veronica grew up in the Catholic church. Although she was a brilliant student and a promising ballerina (in classical and modern dance), she lacked peace...she thought that, no matter what she did, however beautiful and noble it might be, it would only make her unhappy if it was not what the Lord had chosen for her. When she encountered the community, her life and the life of her family gradually changed - especially at the beginning, when she was particularly struck by the great joy and spiritual depth of the young friars and nuns who had given their lives to the Lord and were courageous in their service of the Church. To read her complete testimony, click here.