What a joy it was to attend
Sr. Eliora's
Perpetual Profession of Vows
in Matamoros, Mexico this past week!
Many members of the PFSGM community stationed in the United States were able to attend, including myself. We were so glad to be present as our Sister made this final step along her path to consecration as a religious sister, after completing about six and a half yearsof formation. We spent several days with our brothers and sisters in the Mexico convent and friary, and enjoyed preparing for, participating in, and
celebrating together this joyful event in our sister’s religious life.
The Mass of Sr Eliora’s perpetual profession
was celebrated by the bishop in the cathedral
of the diocese of Matamoros, and was attended
by a sizable host of beige friars and nuns, as well as by many local laity who joined us in witnessing
our sister’s permanent profession of vows of
poverty, chastity, and obedience.
At some point during the celebration,
I was reminded of a time several years ago when
Sr. Eliora came to visit my highschool as a postulant. She was then at the stage of formation that I myself am passing through now. Her witness of perseverance through postulancy, novitiate, and temporal profession are a source
of encouragement to me and to many of our community’s sisters in formation.
I am grateful for her good and cheerful example.
All of that to say, hooray! What a grace to have a newly perpetually professed sister
in community, and what a grace to be allowed to attend her profession! Here’s to a happy little nun with brand new final vows. Auguri di grandissima santità!!!